Monday, August 23, 2010

Like or Dislike?

As many know, Facebook has a "like" button. Now thiere is a big uproar to get a dislike button. After some serious thinking, I began to wonder, what can I truly say are my likes and dislikes? and also, when someone likes a facebook status, are they liking it just because of the person who put it up, or do they truly like that the status's words entailed?

Here are some of my Likes/Dislikes

Pool time
A certain guy
Cool days
Snow in generous amounts
Mac and cheese
Meatless chicken nuggets :)
Babies being born!
And of course my family and friends!

Teething Babies
Sad events
Super duper organic.environmental people
My grandmother's house
Old clunker cars
People who think it's okay to treat people meanly
Some weird, Retro Looking things
Fresh tomatoes!

After sitting here for a few minutes, I can't truly think of many things or aspects in my life I dislike.


Fun little exercise!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Disclaimer: Random post ahead, anything you may read has the posibility of being the randomest or silliest thing you've heard all day!

EVERYWHERE I am now all I see is babies. Recently that's all I've babysat too. It's fine to babysit a baby and their older sibling, but just a baby is flat out boring. I'm sorry if any of the people I babysit for with babies read this, I love all the kids I babysit! I just deal better with older kids, and I love to use my imagination with them! And coloring is a personal favorite of mine, and if you try to do that with a baby you either a) get looked at funny or b) the baby tries to do it if they can get ahold of your utensils and makes a mess

Last night I babysat the precious triplets and it made me realize just how much I miss watching bigger kids. They are so much more creative, and you can do more with them! I love me some toddlers! 3 or 4 year olds are best! :)

Classes at PVCC start monday, but I start Tuesday :) I still havent sold my books from over the summer! Hello Craiglist and if I have to Ebay. I don't care if I sell them cheap, I just want them gone. Plus, the money will be going towards NYC, Nashville, and black friday :) My birthday and Christmas are right around then which I hope helps. ;) And its my 18th which should make it better!

My new obsession: Sex and the City
At the beginning of the summer I was watching Gilmore Girls, but now I'm watching Sex and the City 1) because I finished all 7 seasons of Girlmore Girls and 2) I got the first 6 seasons of Sex and the City on Black Friday dirt cheap!

I promised myself I wouldn't fall head over heels for that boy again this summer.....but I did. Something about him makes it impossible for me not to like him! In a week he will be gone, and I'll be sad again. Thank goodness I'll have class and babysitting to keep my mind sorta off him. I wanna tell him how I feel, but it would be too weird. ugh!

Off to find some entertainment while I babysit this 9 month old! (This baby is cute, but I still hold my big kids are cooler opinion!)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New beginnings

How is summer over?
It feels likes yesterday that I was saying goodbye to my friends at school, and then saying goodbye to my sweet McIntyre family!
Classes are done for a few weeks, so now is my cool down time. It's not really a cool down time though because I have big decisions to make about babysitting. I'm torn between a family I love and a family I babysit for that is definitely helping me stay afloat.

I want to go to Nashville and New York, so the 2nd family would definitely help!
Being the dork I am I asked my professors that I will have starting in a few weeks if there was any work I could get done before I start class. I want to have a smooth transition in. In september I start the Nursing Assistant class which will be fun I hope! It's a great way to start my career in the medical field.

Off to run a few errands and then the pool until it is time to babysit :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Bittersweet Life

The loves of my life. Yesterday morning I went to tell them goodbye. I didn't cry as much as I thought I would, but it hasn't really sunk in that I won't see them for a year. After babysitting them for a year and a half, saying goodbye was so depressing. It's not permanent though! They will only be in New Zealand for a year :) Those 3 kids are part of me forever now. I've watched them grow into the little mannerful, adorable kids they are now. And I've watched the baby crawl,babble, coo, and now starting to walk! The most important thing I probably learned from my little handsome man was its ABSOLUTELY crucial to call boys handsome and girls pretty :) I learned from the little princess that I need to invest in some Mary Kay lipstick so I can look like a princess too, since I can't wear the Disney Princess dresses and accessories she has. I have a feeling a year will take too long to get here.....
On another note, I cannot explain my intense love for online classes. I'm only taking english online right now, but I get more work done for it than I have in any other class! I have work done that isn't due for weeks. I think it's the fact I don't have to motivate myself to go to class, but I get to work at home in my pajamas :)
I'm looking for new babysitting job(s) now, that are on a pretty regular basis. I need another family to get attatched to! Kids are my strong point, and who wouldn't want to get paid to color? :)
I get to start my Mary Kay business in November!!
Only 4 Months away :)
