Sunday, September 20, 2009

I don't wanna' spend my life jaded waiting to wake up one day and find that I've let all these years go by wasted

This weekend was basically a rest weekend for me. I babysat last night but for 3 fo the four hours the kids were sleep so it was free time for me :) So I did homework like a good little girl so today I wouldn't have any!
I've came to learn that I can accomplish alot in a two hour time period. I did
- 3 pages of a Biology 2 study guide
-625 words of a paper
-read a 5 page english story and wrote 400 words about that
- did my precalculus homework
-read 4 pages in The Scarlett Letter before I gave up :p
-Made flash cards for my english vocabulary test

That's about all I got done, but at home this would have taken me twice as long. So last night, I basically got paid to do homework :)

BUT, that money is going towards filling up my truck, buying Calvin a birthday gift, paying my mom the 15 I owe her, buying a polka dot toiletry bag, and the little I have left will go towards the Pennsylvannia trip!!

26 days til that, fyi ;)
SO excited for it!

Now off to continue watching dirty dancing and study for my english vocabulary test!

P.s- If anyone reading this needs an idea for my birthday gift( for the birthday thats only a little over a month away!) here and idea ;)

Monday, September 14, 2009

"Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner"

This man COMPLETED my life. Dirty Dancing is my all time favortie movie! The fact that he struggled with such a horrible disease like pancreatic cancer saddens me. Today in class we were talking about how it is $1400 for 3 pills to take after ONE chemo treatment to keep from getting as sick! I mean he could afford it but there are people out there who can't , and instead have to loose everything they have to get them , or suffer. Patrick, you will forever be my hero!( and you looked rather sexy in dirty dancing ;) ) I'm off to watch Dirty Dancing while I complete my tons of homework. :(

Stressful life :/

Forever yours Patrick,

Me :)