Thursday, July 21, 2011

This week

Procrastination hit hard this week around here.
I wanted to do a blog post everyday, put it off until later, and here i am now FINALLY writing it!

I have on my new glasses now. I ordered them online, so I had no idea if I would like them or not, and well.... I don't think I would have picked them in the store, but I don't think they look bad on me.

I mean I spent all of $14 on them including shipping, so I can't complain. I think my eye also have to get used to them before I really start to enjoy them. BTW I so want to kiss whoever invented contacts. I have no idea what I would do without them! Well I do know, but I wouldn't feel as pretty. I've been self conscious about wearing glasses for as long as I can remember. They just don't fit me.

I got my "packet" from MJH yesterday too!
Pretty much all that means is they told me my first 2 weeks schedule, and gave me basic info. For example, where to take my drug test and get my background check done. I mean come on now, we know I'll fail the drug test and definitely fail the criminal background check. (HA!) But really, just the basics.
They did tell me though that I will be doing nights of course, and every other weekend. I offered to do weekends because of the incredible differential, because I figure that gets me one step closer to a house.

I found what seems to be the PERFECT house! I refuse to rent because I feel as if that is money going down the drain, so I would LOVE to get this house. it is in my price range(which isn't much!),has a new kitchen, and the best part is that the house is renovated all over!
Plus a small pool and 2 car garage doesn't hurt!

If anyone that happens to read this knows anyone that would like to buy this for me, or would like to buy it for me as a "rent to own" they should let me know! :)

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